.. highlight:: rest :mod:`sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram` -- Include inheritance diagrams ===================================================================== .. module:: sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram :synopsis: Support for displaying inheritance diagrams via graphviz. .. versionadded:: 0.6 This extension allows you to include inheritance diagrams, rendered via the :mod:`Graphviz extension `. It adds this directive: .. rst:directive:: inheritance-diagram This directive has one or more arguments, each giving a module or class name. Class names can be unqualified; in that case they are taken to exist in the currently described module (see :rst:dir:`py:module`). For each given class, and each class in each given module, the base classes are determined. Then, from all classes and their base classes, a graph is generated which is then rendered via the graphviz extension to a directed graph. This directive supports an option called ``parts`` that, if given, must be an integer, advising the directive to remove that many parts of module names from the displayed names. (For example, if all your class names start with ``lib.``, you can give ``:parts: 1`` to remove that prefix from the displayed node names.) New config values are: .. confval:: inheritance_graph_attrs A dictionary of graphviz graph attributes for inheritance diagrams. For example:: inheritance_graph_attrs = dict(rankdir="LR", size='"6.0, 8.0"', fontsize=14, ratio='compress') .. confval:: inheritance_node_attrs A dictionary of graphviz node attributes for inheritance diagrams. For example:: inheritance_node_attrs = dict(shape='ellipse', fontsize=14, height=0.75, color='dodgerblue1', style='filled') .. confval:: inheritance_edge_attrs A dictionary of graphviz edge attributes for inheritance diagrams.