.. highlight:: rest :mod:`sphinx.ext.graphviz` -- Add Graphviz graphs ================================================= .. module:: sphinx.ext.graphviz :synopsis: Support for Graphviz graphs. .. versionadded:: 0.6 This extension allows you to embed `Graphviz `_ graphs in your documents. It adds these directives: .. rst:directive:: graphviz Directive to embed graphviz code. The input code for ``dot`` is given as the content. For example:: .. graphviz:: digraph foo { "bar" -> "baz"; } In HTML output, the code will be rendered to a PNG or SVG image (see :confval:`graphviz_output_format`). In LaTeX output, the code will be rendered to an embeddable PDF file. .. rst:directive:: graph Directive for embedding a single undirected graph. The name is given as a directive argument, the contents of the graph are the directive content. This is a convenience directive to generate ``graph { }``. For example:: .. graph:: foo "bar" -- "baz"; .. rst:directive:: digraph Directive for embedding a single directed graph. The name is given as a directive argument, the contents of the graph are the directive content. This is a convenience directive to generate ``digraph { }``. For example:: .. digraph:: foo "bar" -> "baz" -> "quux"; .. versionadded:: 1.0 All three directives support an ``alt`` option that determines the image's alternate text for HTML output. If not given, the alternate text defaults to the graphviz code. There are also these new config values: .. confval:: graphviz_dot The command name with which to invoke ``dot``. The default is ``'dot'``; you may need to set this to a full path if ``dot`` is not in the executable search path. Since this setting is not portable from system to system, it is normally not useful to set it in ``conf.py``; rather, giving it on the :program:`sphinx-build` command line via the :option:`-D` option should be preferable, like this:: sphinx-build -b html -D graphviz_dot=C:\graphviz\bin\dot.exe . _build/html .. confval:: graphviz_dot_args Additional command-line arguments to give to dot, as a list. The default is an empty list. This is the right place to set global graph, node or edge attributes via dot's ``-G``, ``-N`` and ``-E`` options. .. confval:: graphviz_output_format The output format for Graphviz when building HTML files. This must be either ``'png'`` or ``'svg'``; the default is ``'png'``. .. versionadded:: 1.0 Previously, output always was PNG.